Usability Engineering (EN-ISO-9241)
The process described in EN-ISO-9241 marks a solid framework for reliable usability enginnering in software projects. Obviously it needs to be adapted to every projects specifics, but the iterative approach with the four phases: understanding the context, specify the requirements, develop prototypes and evaluate prototypes is a good baselayer for my approach to usability engineering. The method of agile ux builds ontop of this process and combines it with agile development methods such as Scrum.

While Scrum is the agile development method with the most recognition, other approaches such as Kanban bring different ideas into agile development. Beeing a professional Scrum Master myself, i have the a lot of experience with Scrum by actively working with clients. During my work in various teams i have learned that virtually nobody works by true definition of the scrum method, but rather adopts the core pieces to their own needs. I have played all roles of the scrum process while beeing most familiar with the team member or Scrum Master role.

Design Thinking
If you speak with convinced design thinkers they will tell you it's not just a method but a lifestyle. Part of this lifestyle means building creative environments (called 'team spaces' or 'war rooms') in your office and approaching problems as design challenges. For me design thinking is a handy toolbox with all kinds of creative methods to produce ideas and artifacts that really can push your projects forward. The double diamond approach really excels at bringing out the ideas of every teammember and creating a feeling of a common success.

I am an active follower of the gamification method since my diploma thesis in 2012. Since then it has been called everything from dead to the next big thing. Matter of fact is that gamification is not a magic cure that helps you to fix your bad product. Also gamification can never replace your products value. But it's undeniable that virtual gaming is becoming a larger and larger part of our society and thus gamification is far from dead. If done right it can support your product in terms of engagement, loyalty and overall image.

Usability Testing
As a Usability Engineer i've heard clients say: ' i know what my users need ' or ' i know the problems of my product ' way too often. I've done many usability tests where i myself was surprised by the feedback of actual users. The great thing about usability testing is, that they can be done in a plethora of ways. Of course you can do it with a big budget in a lab setting, with recruited probands, but you can also do it in cheap, rapid kind of way. Either way, valuable feedback is almost guaranteed.

Design Studio
The Design Studio is a rapid iterative method that focuses on developing creative solution approaches to a given design goal. Teams can create dozens of solution approaches and then build upon each others ideas to strive towards a common solution. Design Studio can be done in not more than two or three hours and can really help to pull ideas out of the heads of every teammember. Especially quieter characters benefit from these kinds of methods, as they create a positive, pressure-less environment, where its guaranteed that every opinion is getting heard.